Blast-Off Minus 2 Days

I, Byron Barnett, just wrote my fourth and final letter to GaSnakSo. Final letter from Earth I mean.

The central theme of it was: communication.

Here’s a copy, minus all the addresses and what have you:

Dear Madames, Sirs, and any Others:

As regards the last letter that I sent which I personally dropped off at the main post office, and following up on my two prior letters that may or may not have been eaten by space-vermin before reaching you …

I’m writing now to remind you that I leave for the Moon the day after tomorrow.

As I’m pretty sure you’ll want to exchange views with me about my offer to be your first Off-Earth Snacks Ambassador, may I suggest a tele-conference at my earliest convenience? Let’s aim for right after my lunar relocation.

Feel free to contact me via the Cosmopolis Switchboard & Messaging Service. During school hours is fine—I’m sure they’ll let me out of class for an important call.

I look forward to hearing from you on the topic of my ambassadorship.

You have nothing to lose.


P.S. I have fourteen new snack ideas to go over with you.

P.S.S. How about a fascinating new catchphrase for your products? Something like: “Suspiciously delicious!”

P.S.S. You need a better logo, one that reminds a person’s subconscious of candy. I made a sample for you to mull over:

“Galactic Snacking Solutions” on an orange background with drawings of desserts and Saturn

Blast-Off Minus 3 Days
