Blast-Off Minus 14 Days

I, Byron Barnett, am often available for conversations about rocket-ships.

But my brother is an automobile nut. I believe I mentioned this previously.

I went with him to the car show downtown on its final day. He’d already been twice, first for opening day then again after school on Tuesday.

But he wanted to go one more time to see the new Plymouth XNR, which they were about to unveil for the show’s big finish.

When they pulled down the curtain, people gasped and so forth. 

It looked like a one-man rocket on wheels.

They gave us free postcards of it to take home with illustrations of the XNR from different angles and such. Here some are:

A photo-realistic drawing of a futuristic red car.
A photo-realistic drawing of a futuristic red car.
A photo-realistic drawing of a futuristic red car.
A photo-realistic drawing of the dashboard of a futuristic red car.

Guess how much it costs?

200,000 credits. That’s more than some people’s house.

My allowance is 5 credits a week. So if I wanted to buy an XNR for Taji as a high school graduation present in 2 years, I’d have to save up for 40,000 weeks.

The math on that doesn’t really work.

If I’m President and CEO of Galactic Snacking Solutions Incorporated someday, I’ll probably get a salary of 50,000 credits per year at least. I could buy it for him then.

I’m glad I brought up GaSnakSo. I’ve received no reply as of yet on my offer to be their first Off-Earth Snacks Ambassador. 

I’m beginning to feel highly irritated. 

Like my dad says, a speedy “no” is the second-best answer to a quick “yes.” But a slow “no” is just plain rude.

In case you’re wondering, the XNR doesn’t run on chlorophyll like most vehicles, it uses powdered seaweed. It’s an extremely modern fuel system.

But the car’s best feature is that they built it to look space-worthy. 

Incidentally I heard that on the Moon you can’t drive a lunar rover till you’re 21. So Taji’s gonna have to find a new hobby.

He should focus on artwork. There’s a whole dome in Cosmopolis with artists’ workshops and studios. 

Taji could do all kinds of paintings there, using outer space for inspiration. 

I’m pretty sure the paintbrushes and stuff are free.

More soon,


Blast-Off Minus 15 Days


Blast-Off Minus 13 Days