Blast-Off Minus 9 Days
I, Byron Barnett, am highly interested in bones.
The human body has over 300 bones at birth, but a lot of ‘em fuse together as your body develops … so by the time you’re a grownup you’ve got 212 left.
The largest bone in the body is your thigh-bone.
The smallest bone is your middle-ear-bone, which looks like the stirrup that you put your foot into when you’re riding a horse. It collects vibrations from sounds and helps you hear things.
Bones are basically white, but wouldn’t it be nice if people had different color skeletons?
I’d want a purple one. Like so:
Bones aren’t just made out of hardened minerals and stuff. They have nerves and blood vessels inside.
And when you look at a bone through a microscope, you see it’s some kinda flexible fabric that’s being woven and re-woven by super-tiny specialized bone cells. Also all the bone cells are talking to each other all the time to get the job done.
How does all this just happen?!?!?
Here’s another poem I wrote:
What’s in a bone
Once your bone’s grown?
Hard as a stone
Like a rocket’s nose cone
But what’s in a bone
Between known and unknown?
My research has shown
It’s a mystery zone
So what’s in a bone?
I won’t leave it alone
Till all facts I own
About what’s in a bone
The meaning of the poem is that there’s a lot going on inside of us that we don’t understand yet. It’s quite significant.
Relatedly, I’d like to know what effect living on the Moon has on your bones.
And do they bury people on the Moon? And if so, since there’s no bacteria and such to eat away your flesh, how does your dead body turn into a skeleton?
Maybe they pack you in ice and send you back to Earth for that?
Or if you die up there do they just cremate you and sprinkle you across the lunar surface so you mix with the moon-dust?
All good questions.
More soon,
P.S. Your funny bone is not a real bone.