Blast-Off Minus 16 Days

I, Byron Barnett, am something of a poet. 

So said my Mom after she read the limerick I wrote for her.

It was inspired by a talk me and Mom had on the subject of us moving to the Moon.

I included it in a letter that I mailed to her, even though we live at the same address. She got it the next day.

Dear My Mother,

I’m happy to put down in writing
And per your request here highlighting
That I’ll do you the favor
Of lunar behavior
That no one will not find delighting

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

You can interpret the limerick a couple of different ways, depending on what you think delighting behavior is.

I can be quite tricky and stuff with words.

Also I have a large number of dinosaur-themed poems that I’ve been writing, possibly to put in a book of my dino-related research et cetera.

Here’s Dino-Rhyme #19 …

Dinosaur, oh dinosaur
You weighed more than a grocery store
So how were you an herbivore?
And other questions furthermore

Dinosaur, oh dinosaur
Mighty reptile heretofore
Your bones I keep on looking for
And I’d love to find an egg

See how that last line about the egg isn’t rhymey? That’s a thing poets do every now and then to surprise the reader. It’s very sophisticated.

The word “dinosaur” comes from Latin via Greek according to my dictionary. In Greek it means “terrible lizard.” Feel free to use that information at your next Thanksgiving dinner.

I have many other rhymes about dinosaurs.

D.R. #20 through D.R. #24 are about the spookier side of what happened when that asteroid killed off all the terrible lizards on Earth. 

Yes, I’m talking about dinosaurs that then turned into ghosts. I’m now convinced there were some.

And think about it: at least some dinosaurs could’ve been knocked right off the planet and out into space at the exact instant they died from the asteroid impact. Therefore, I ask, where did they end up haunting?

The Moon, of course.

I’m betting there’s frozen reptile ectoplasm somewhere in the lunar landscape that’ll prove my theory.

If it’s up there, I’ll find it.

More soon,

P.S. Here’s a dinosaur picture I have in my bathroom. I asked mom if I could get dinosaur wallpaper for my whole room, but this is what she got me instead.

A blue, red, and black drawing of a T-Rex on a bright teal background

Blast-Off Minus 17 Days


Blast-Off Minus 15 Days